It was an overcast day. I made sure the ISO was at 100. Realizing how bright it was out I knew I would have to tighten the aperture to as small as possible. My camera goes to f32. Focusing on the card stock gave me a good reading at 1/50th s. Looking at the histogram, it appears closer to IV than V in the light balance. I rounded that up to the closest full stop and that was 1/60th. I decreased two shutter speeds to 1/15th of a second for two reasons. One that is the minimum for getting the right zones of white. The other reason is it’s the maximum speed we’re allowed to use for a slow shutter speed and I doubt my ability to not shake at that slow of a shutter even with proper stance, breathing, and release of shutter.
The second set of images I increased the aperture to f8. As that was an increase of 4 stops, I could increase my shutter speed 4 stops to 1/250th s, maintaining my light balance. Jeff is wearing a silly hat because his normal clothing is a sort of suburban camouflage where he will blend right into the background as demonstrated in the following image: