I’m Bonnie. I’m also a photographer who likes to make sure everyone is having as good a time as I am.
Before we schedule the shoot, I’ll want to know about some of your interests to see if they can be incorporated, or how you want the world to see you. Do you want to be a craft witch, a knight in shining armor, or an alien queen? Check out the portraits page or contact me with who you want to be.
I also display competence at product photography and architecture. If you’re interested in a print please let me know.
Why Rocks Fall? “Rocks fall, everyone dies” is a tabletop RPG phrase used by the Game Master when there is such chaos, such pandemonium that there might appear to be no recovery. It’s a phrase that can lead to a restart, usually with a new Game Master. As a chaos-goblin, I’ve loved it for its possibilities ever since I first heard it. It says there is always a way out of or through very hard times, so you can try alternatives first.